Doesnt work anymore. Always getting stuck on a spinning orange disk, and doesnt proseed. Although i am using jacob1's mod, that could be the cause
[+chaoticpillow] The bunch of neutrons may have been the strange white disc. Or was it?
ive done this about 8 times because its beautiful and then on one time it just turned into a bunch of neutrons
For me, all the stars end up as supergiants and become black holes.
I like how each and every star that spawns is different in some way, shape, or form. Some last short, some last long, some are big, some are small, some become black holes, some become bright white discs, which I personaly think is either a neutron star or a nebula. This creation deserves a green vote(I call it either a thumbs up or a like.).
ahhhh my computer was frozen
@grisha5, That would be the Supernova. It's fusing the OXYG into BMTL. This is slightly similar to how real stellar fusion works, as supernova explosions causes further fusion of light elements into incredibly heavier ones. Also cool is that the length your star's lifespan (the number of Phase 4 and 5 cycles) determines whether there will be enough mass (OXYG created) to compress into a black hole, and, if the star goes supernova, how much BMTL will be created.
after oxyg fusion kicks in, there is "stage 7"--chaotic, my star ended up being a molten bmtl disk