Witness the life and death of a P.T. star with this little fusion chamber. Stars will slightly differ every replay. Last 2-4 min. This was so fun to make. Enjoy! Credit goes to Alfa(id:1683916) and Alexzander(id:1689167) for inpiration of chamber design.
I HAD IT reform It went from a super nova to a ball of o2 then grew grew and black hole :/ but it reformed!
i think if you make it do the cycle over and over again would be great
I managed to create my own star by comining neutrons and electrons for hydrogen, and then I added photons heating the hydrogen up causing it to combust
Somehow i managed to see it go supernova by itself, but it doesnt seem to happen anymore :(
if star stops without a bhol somehow you can revive it with enough NBLE(that happened to me)
heat ad pressureize and add more plasma to boost the star if its not behaving. deut can be optional
to make your own star add hygn nble and some co2 and oxyg then some plsm as boooster fuel, and to prevent nble from sparking and pausing it you can use a key combination to get rid of sparks.
add deut to make it go supercritical lol
and it dissapears.
is it just me or my star is made of neutrons.