Didn't Jacob1 Say He Does But Simon Never Listens. And We Should Write A Philosophy Good Idea!
well i can assure you that if we cant contact simon, then the mods cant ether. @LabRat i think you on to somthing. :P
You guys should write a powder philosophy.
Very Well. Unfortunately Simon Does Not Use Tpt Anymore And His Site Is Dead. Unfortunatly.
you you could just pm simon :P
pshhh, i know jacob wayyyy better then tails XD.
Hmm... Jacob1 Said He Knew Simon Very Well I'll Ask 987tails To Contact Jacob1 And Hopefully He Might Contact Simon And Then I Could Email Him.
@labrat, are you even there? XD
Im almost sure of it. having pre-made elements in the game is a kill-joy. I was ticked when they added dray. and gl with that, simon is only seen in dark corners and at pie stands, he isn't on tpt often.