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20th Oct 2014
30th Oct 2014
Yet another Dishonored themed city. I took into account a lot of the advice I got, and tried to make this one the best. It still feels kind of crappy to me and I think it is missing something. If you have any suggestions please comment. Thanks :)
dunwall dishonored city water landscape bomb tallboy


  • User5152552
    30th Sep 2020
    This is awesome!!!
  • Taperjet5
    1st Jul 2017
    realistic lightning work on compressed deut
  • cgcoal
    20th Oct 2014
    Photons also work well in compressed deut, spreading heat more, but neutrons provide more of a punch
  • Brahmin_Herder
    20th Oct 2014
    The Whale Oil Containers are super compressed DEUT. Toss some Neutrons into the one in the cargo ship. I'm probably going to try to remake this so it isn't as bad.