bruh you cant destroy blue exploding vibr without banned elements
vibr. I can type. Trust me. Blue Vibr
Also, blue exot was "discovered" waaay before either of you made accounts. <3
Okay, this is legitimately bothering me. Just set the life, tmp, and tmp2 of vibr to 65535 and nobody on the consumer side has to type anything in the console. >.>
totally james, but really i am not so sure
y u always no beielve me i used someone elses idea first not yours I was working on this before u even showed me the thing at school it was saved in my stamps i only finsihed it after you told me that and then uploaded it so it looks like icopied u but i didnt
i showed u already and thats why u added one extra negative
no i did not copy ur vibr i figured it out myself