I have one more game in the works, this will be my last of this kind of save, your point in this save is to put out the fire before it spreads to your city, or burns down all your tress, use ngrv to push the water out, put cursor in water tank. thank you
im talking about the actual game Powder Toy. by the way, im in australia. we hav quiet a few russians, ukrainians, aussies and other slavs that play TPT
there is another save of this type?
but this game was originally made in poland (thats what im told)
you have better way? no? V
or.... a much less flood-y way of doing it (and cheaper and more environmentally friendly)... just hire a load of guys with chainsaws to cut down a few of thr trees near the fire line... the break will stop the fire in its tracks..
I have moved to America, and I figured most game players are, so I wanted them to relate.
if you are soviet, why the american flag?
privet ruskia bratsi