19th Sep 2014
19th Sep 2014
No Description provided.
pointless as hell and incredibly quick to type. go away.
old as hell and incredibly quick to make -1
Could use a nozzle for stability, but this is a good fuel!
it you make the escape tighter the pressure will stay more and it will be better
this is pretty cool! i was looking for an alternative igniter when i made mine ( ID:1449382 ), ours are identical, only i chose tnt instead of fuse because it burns colder making it better for non-atmospheric use.
@jiribekr, pixel-by-pixel, or protons. I think protons. Zycker?
this also works nicely as a flare if you shorten it a litle (so you can see the flame) and tor on gravity/ +1
sorry for the double post, internet derped
Great fuel, i like the slow speed so it'll burn for extended time.
Great fuel, i like the slow speed so it'll burn for extended time.