Test your bomb with different walls of material. Ive gotten past level 11, can you? Update: now 20x harder than before. now there is void!
And that was just an opinion; it is a rather good wall.
Yes; although a small portion of warp is created, I use minimal exot.
Did you follow my rules on it? And I am kinda against useing any clone.
Magnet; yours didn't last very long either - the only obstacle really was the bizr. I personally recommend bcln and cflm under paste; but that's an opinion.
Lets see an id
i just demolished your wall too
My bomb could eat this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That same bomb will not do much to my bomb wall.
level pretty good
Also, my much less professional approach to beating walls: id:1618222 WHEEEEEEE
okay. ill do it right now