The Rend-Class Tactical Battlecruiser is a very versatile ship, capable of fulfilling the roles of a battleship and a carrier, albiet not as well as dedicated ships. After 3 major refits, the 900 year old Rend is now a much more lethal and mobile ship.
just use the heat tool on the engine area
Pretty cool. Maybe add a self destruct button.
it also explodes if you turn on ambient heat while the engine is on
currently working on ways to stop the ship from exploding in a chain reaction
ima open a PM to you, we're spamming the comms
Almost done with the largest ship, too.
oh, my alloy is also done id:1645248
nah... they have some tech (in my mind ) which is not really possible in tpt
perhaps after you are done making the ships i could add functionality? with your approval of course.
ps: first Void entry here id:1645236