A (very) quick over view of what's new with the new update
I find it kind of funny how TPT itself now promotes voting.
it interacts whith merkury (Dray)
I like the sprk effect much better best update!
Krystian260599: Just be glad you are getting an update :P
I've known all of this isnce I have Jacob1's Mod. This is old news for me. But you are free to ask about how DRAY works!
Another thing that was added: Newtonian Gravity now slightly compresses deut
finally they added gravitons , i don't know what you mean by subatomic particles but human science knows this as gravity particles. (i'm just saying what i know)
This isn't really a big update... I was kinda hoping for more...
You weren't lying about the MERC thing...
What DRAY does is is say you have 3 pixels in a row (wood dray and pscn) if you start sparking the pscn it will start duplication more and more of either wood or pscn (on the respective side) out until it reaches the edge of the screen. so like (wood dray pscn) spark it then you got soemthing like (wood wood wood dray pscn pscn pscn) hope that made sense.