Hmm... Maybe this could be incorporated into a nuclear power plant run by deuterium... I KNOW WHAT I MUST BUILD!
It exploded for me. But very cool For only that size!
Or use a CONV cooling mech.
Usetron to cool the deut. +1
Interesting, and an edited version could be useful for destructible Space Shuttle.
The point of 'first!'-ing is to attract the rightful wrath of others, such as SuperJman. There is no other purpose other than to annoy people - therefor, to best combat them, we should ignore them. Anyways, I thought this was a fairly cool factory - you have my upvote!
of course its pointless what possible point could there be?
and what JOY we have listening to people like YOU going on about how they're the first commentator, sure i did it to, but ive learned how pointless it is and your wasting your comenting privleges.