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9th Jul 2014
15th Jul 2014
i cant believe ttan doesnt block this pressure


  • expunged
    7th Jan 2019
    I turned on pressure display and the only pressure in the box was this part at the top that didn't effect the rest.
  • Nean
    28th Aug 2016
    This is actually how titanium is supposed to work. That pressure is actually nonexistent. THe game thinks it is actually there though
  • Etahipi
    9th Aug 2014
    the save is right- I cant believe people are so dumb they just downvote when you read ttans desc- Blocks all air pressure-and air pressure is the pressure in this game there is negative and positive air pressure
  • Etahipi
    6th Aug 2014
    now we only need a mod to see this XD
  • lolz546
    19th Jul 2014
    Honestly 1.He advertises it because he thinks its a bug 2. DMG to me looks like a bomb 3. Its because There is so much pressure outside in one spot so the game errors because it thinks its sopposed to expand so since so much pressure built up near the bunker only 9 pixels after it discovers that there is titanium there thats why it happens.
  • Tulucanz
    19th Jul 2014
    does the pressure persist in the chamber? NO! how does DMG work? It sets the pressure in the surrounding area to some rediciolus amounts. How does pressure in TPT work? wherever you can place WALL is pressure able to build up! only on this "plate" there is pressure! facit: the DMG makes it through the insl and the ttan with its effect! now stop posting you id everywhere!
  • worldofwarcaftpowder
    15th Jul 2014
    all of my saves get hate, not mch views, more downvotes i might just quit this game
  • worldofwarcaftpowder
    14th Jul 2014
    why am i getting so much hate, i exposed a bug that is making me label dmg as nonhonorable when i make a bunker
  • worldofwarcaftpowder
    14th Jul 2014
    i use many elements to test bunkers
  • dino_inc
    13th Jul 2014
    Yes, it is a bug, but why would you use dmg to test a bunker? Its not really a "legit" explosive.