312 / 21
26th Jun 2014
29th Jun 2014
A 0.6 Hz full-fledged WiFi-less 29-bit computer based on photon technology. Rather fast. WARNING: May lag. Note: The first part of the default program does not require input. Press the On button and LightPC will print Pascal's Triangle automatically.
light filt rllytouch photon screen 29bit touchscreen computer processor electronics


  • erictom333
    12th Nov 2015
    can you make a tpt compiler?
  • I_Always_no_scoping
    24th Aug 2015
    hi jacob
  • jacob1
    23rd Aug 2015
  • benrox
    27th May 2015
    yeash your other computer is so famous but youve had this fantastic one al along and i only just found out and ive made a computer in minecraft whats the method to doing these trigangles id like to do the same for mine
  • lostkagamine
    13th May 2015
    Can it run Minecraft? That's the big question.
  • tjitte
    2nd Mar 2015
    this is amazing. can you make a minimal version, so it runs faster on slow computers? I'm in love
  • TheSpadesAce
    13th Feb 2015
    :O ! These electronic things are so cool! +1 for sure!
  • ScienceNERD
    16th Jan 2015
    +1 dude
  • Schmolendevice
    31st Dec 2014
    That is to say that the memory device will have 64 FILT particles, each storing 3 bytes, any of them being the start of a new instruction. So a CPU core is a single processing device with some RAM/ROM or instruction cache with an instruction cycle circuit, instruction register, program counter, decoder, internal bus and registers plus internal functional units that is capable of running a certain instruction set.
  • Schmolendevice
    31st Dec 2014
    Yeah, in my case it's the opposite, not much experience with TPT computer hardware. Spent too much time 'not finishing' my real life project. TPT I money on electricity. MMU = memory management unit. Core is basically just a single parallel processor parallel to other cores which all run their own programs simultaneously. Well technically for now I'm planning to have an instruction set with arbitrary instruction width.