16 / 4
22nd Jun 2014
22nd Jun 2014
Kill the stickman inside to win~ This is my first attempt at a (somewhat) low thickness high strength bunker :3
bunker3 sweg uranium stickman pineapples resistent bomb test


  • eli573
    29th Mar 2017
    My bomb killed the stickman inside IMMEDIATELY, the ID is id:2120778
  • M-Smidt09
    8th Jan 2016
    my phot/neut bomb went right through the roof (i've fixed the issue with INSL on my phot/neut bomb) i wish you other good luck making nice bombs :D
  • DarkLord123654
    19th Oct 2014
    even my midget bomb gets rid of the stickman...
  • DarkLord123654
    19th Oct 2014
    way too easy. id:1652644 no singularity used.
  • Destroyer127
    29th Jul 2014
    I may be breaking this save's rules but my Proto-Singular bomb should eat right through but im breaking the rules cause its SINGULARITY (SING) and it eats anything over time, thats the thing about SING, but the stickman inside should have time to get out before the SING can get in... But the radiation from protons and heat may finish that stickman off... But nothing like good old bunker busting SING!!
  • Destroyer127
    29th Jul 2014
    I think the ambient heat is making the simulation when u have like 9725 temp and with ambient heat, the heat spreads out to the air and doesnt totally focus on the spot you want to actually blow up. Ambient heat is a BOMB-NULLIFIER!!!!!!!!!!
  • Avatar17564
    11th Jul 2014
    There is only one bomb that I found that can actually make it's way in and kill the stickman is VIBR. Just pure VIBR. Takes a while but still eventually does it.
  • tttwwy
    8th Jul 2014
    the Christmas Star bomb kills the stickman but destroys the bunker later. I do not know its id.
  • DragonX
    25th Jun 2014
  • doomagent13
    22nd Jun 2014
    Wtf, it said it timed out so I tried again...