259 / 20
20th Jun 2014
20th Jun 2014
temperatur controlled deuterium reaktor with deuterium factory. with auto on/off for reaktor and deuterium factory, here i have declared how to swith on the reaktor and deuterium factory.
reactor complex nuclear smart electronics water confusing deutrium deut turnitallon


  • doomagent13
    25th Jun 2014
    Current nuclear reactors work on the same principle as pure fission nuclear bombs. The difference is that the bomb tries to release as much energy as possible in a very short timespan, while reactors regulate the fission so that the energy output stays within what the reactor can handle. Thanks to the controlled release of energy, reactors can run for months or even years without stopping.
  • program
    25th Jun 2014
    im not good at this reactor stuff... but i can tell it isnt realistic
  • Tanawsomeguy55
    24th Jun 2014
    why does everyone hink that reactors use nuclear explosions they split the atom creating heat not exploding it to split it you have to electrolise the atom to seperate it from then rest.... IT DOESNT CAUSE EXPLOSIONS...but nice reactor. +1
  • yoloswagger
    23rd Jun 2014
    dang I could power the whole damn reactor in one move
  • SlenderHunter
    23rd Jun 2014
    reads doomagent13's comment... YOU TALK IN CIRCLES! WHAAAT! MINDFU...
  • doomagent13
    23rd Jun 2014
    Technically deuterium oxide is heavy water, which has similar properties to normal water. Due to deuterium being twice as heavy as normal hydrogen, biological processes can be messed up by sufficiently high concentration of heavy water. Heavy water is sometimes used in nuclear reactors because it absorbs fewer neutrons than normal water.
  • Salt
    22nd Jun 2014
    but still cool fav and +1
  • Salt
    22nd Jun 2014
    why does everyone name them deutrium reactor i thought it was a particle acelerator
  • GodMask
    22nd Jun 2014
    Lol lightening ignites Deut blow. Just messing with it :D
  • benas045
    22nd Jun 2014
    you could atleast spell every word "reactor" correctly.