Different functions the puddlejumpers from Stargate Atlantis really have. Don't copy! BTW The jumper takes a while to decloak, so be patient please!
OK. Thank you.
Ok, before that stuff turns into 40 pages of comments like "fire drones" and "use drones" and eventually "make drones", I just write "use drone"
Or a missile. They're pretty much the same. So, fire a drone.
Use a drone. Fire as you fire a round.
Fire drones? Jumpers Drones isnt fire
Ask mimi606 for help in deco and the other manager to make it fire drones.
Forget about that. But you could make new Test-Objects for them :)
Maybe an Off-Button for the H-Drive. btw I won't be online here before Friday :(
Oh, I remembered I am a member of the group, so forget that. What else could I do?
There's no need to credit me, I just want to help! :)