This is a machine using noble gasses to work as an artificial delay. There is only a very little chance to get destroyed and it has a LN2 Cooling System. It has 12 electric outputs too. Nothing is copied. If you copy, give credit to me.
and noble is always better xD
@G-LinuxorU Because...because... This machine looks much cooler than these pink delay pixels, and it has 12 outputs and not only one, and noble gasses are noble, and DLAY isn't noble :D
why on earth would you not just use DLAY?
Made new using save id:1537549
Make a save using it too!
If you want, do it! I won't be angry with you then :D
Here, ID:1534424. If you think Ishould update, I'll put a sign redirecting to this save.
Sorry for double comment, bad gateway.
I used DLAY in my save, but there's space to fit a modified version of this, so I can remove, if you want, my DLAY sistem and put yours, to make an advertisement redirecting to your save.