here is a way to do it with protons id:1540834
I have not been successful yet, I think its because I heat the laser before I turn them into elec/neut so the hygn is hot when its made. I'm not sure though and I have been busy with my projects. I have this faved so I will try some more.
i tried using less elec and more nuet but dosent seem to make any difference see if u can make it better
So the issue with surplus electrons is the ratio of ELEC to NEUT. you need less elecrons or more Neutrons the intermix ratio for good fusion is NOT 1 to 1. If you look at my T 29 I laser the elec beam has only 3 pix of pcln. the Neut beam has 2 layers of 7 pix pcln. so the ratio I am using is about 5 NEUT to 1 ELEC. you will get stronger fusion with more pressure and less elecgtrons flying our of the barrel.