This star dies after a few seconds (15-20) and creates a quite beautiful nebulosa. NOTE: this don't is a supernova, is just a death of a small star, like the sun. Requisites to work: Air: velocity off. Gravity:off. Vote if you liked or not, FREE TO COPY.
not nebulosa its nebula TNTNUCLEAR
@niceguy12 you are a genius!!!
I like the nebula stuff... I remember when I accedently discoverd how to make the stuff, i usually used it as a bomb :)
In larger super giant stars however... There is a possibility of a black hole or a neutron star.
Very good. It actually captures the final moments in a main sequence star. When the gravitational force imposed on the star is too much the outer layers will fall in and rapidly explode away from the star, leaving the gas and dust behind for a new star to form. All that is left of the dead star is a white dwarf.
Sorry because i'm Brazilian (i don't like very much to go to the translater), but I have a medium-good english.
nono, ok schicko, the good is if you liked.
Looks good! I accidently downvoted though, sorry :/ (pretend I voted up instead)
oooooh pretty...
this looks almost magical almost because I dont believe in magic