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18th Apr 2014
10th Jun 2014
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  • blackvulture
    23rd Jul 2016
    roses are red,violets too.and if you arent red, you go tothe gulag.Soviet poem.
  • MirrorrorriM
    24th Feb 2015
    * "smell away" means "do not smell".
  • MirrorrorriM
    24th Feb 2015
    (Contests should not always be words. But for now, I shall find the herds, and soon, my ideas are to be begotten, lest it is bad and must be forgotten. This save was ever since 2014, yet let this point of time be upon drogtar's sorting. If I have written this a bit too long, then smell away what is inside that bong!)
  • hellbound_guy
    7th Nov 2014
    Erza is red, Juvia is blue, if you hate Fairy Tail, ill kill you!
  • Bristrees
    15th Jul 2014
    that last part was what i did
  • Bristrees
    15th Jul 2014
    somtimes i feel like a duck, it makes me want to quack, like what the fuck is that!"points at judoippon
  • sumthin_man
    13th Jul 2014
    Roses are red, Here's something new, Violets are violet, Not Freakin blue
  • SGAtlantis
    16th Jun 2014
    That comment under the one you are reading now is the completed poem. I hope I will win! I've just thought, and then the words came out of my fingers :D
  • SGAtlantis
    16th Jun 2014
    {Everything in these brackets is only a tip} {MY COMPLETE POEM:}I like Stargates, We are Borg, someone hates, Wiki dot Org. My little cat, is just here, she isn't fat, but likes deer. I see a boat, my shotgun only, has one load, my name is Phonely. I see space, from my house, that's his base!, Is it a mouse?. I see sheep, and a ball ,BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP, a long fall! Oh that hurts, on the lanes, my last words, were "I like trains!". {THE END} {That will be my life history... NOT :D }
  • SGAtlantis
    16th Jun 2014
    Nooo! I have accidentally clicked on "submit"! It's still not complete! Next comment will complete the poem: