163 / 34
7th Apr 2014
9th Jul 2014
Hate detected! Firing Orbital Friendship Cannon! yes, i know about the typo in the name. and no, this is not from Gmod or CoD.
friendship happy mylittlepony rainbow garrysmod lazer cannon orbital pony freindshipcannon


  • 343industries
    14th Apr 2014
    i mean he is quite funny and makes pretty cool saves
  • 343industries
    14th Apr 2014
    am i the only one who likes 987?
  • skkim
    14th Apr 2014
  • jacob1
    14th Apr 2014
    guys, the ban was really short. So ... i'm sure he's reading this. Maybe you should talk about the save :P. Also sentinal-5 it says you were banned for abusive tags a really long time (years) ago, not sure why the last one was so long lol.
  • sentinal-5
    13th Apr 2014
    :/ i hate so say so... but as bad as i feel for him.. i have to agree with you.
  • nippy
    13th Apr 2014
    thank god he got banned. he was very annoying.
  • sentinal-5
    13th Apr 2014
    you know that feeling when you're walking along and you feel as though you're being followed, so you check benind you to see. then feel like an idiot because there was nobody there? they have that ALL the time. only when they don't see anybody, they will assume the person is hiding from them.
  • sentinal-5
    13th Apr 2014
    basically it makes people very suspicious of everybody else, they will accuse people of things they never did (usually of conspiring against them behing their back) and feel unjustified anger towards everybody else in order to defend their reputation which they believe everybody else is trying to undermine.
  • SirHugsalot
    13th Apr 2014
    I will try to be nice to him but he makes it very dificult... also what is paranoid social cognition disorder?
  • sentinal-5
    13th Apr 2014
    actually it is.. i know how awfull it feels to be banned. (but i never found out why i was). i know he was annoying, but i'm starting to think maybe, just maybe he couldn't help it. :( i mean, i'm not trying to make him look bad.. but he was showing all the signs of paranoid social cognition disorder... when his ban expires, let's all try to be really nice to him OK?