163 / 34
7th Apr 2014
9th Jul 2014
Hate detected! Firing Orbital Friendship Cannon! yes, i know about the typo in the name. and no, this is not from Gmod or CoD.
friendship happy mylittlepony rainbow garrysmod lazer cannon orbital pony freindshipcannon


  • sentinal-5
    24th May 2014
    p.s. i'm only on here right now to answer questions just like this.
  • sentinal-5
    24th May 2014
    sorry bro, i'm right slap bang in the middle of my final exams. :( i don't have time to play any games at all.. boring as hell but better than serving MacDonald's for a living. i'll continue work on all my projects in 2 weeks, after the exams are over. (although i may be staying at my dad's house in germany which will limit productivity.)
  • Tanawsomeguy55
    18th May 2014
    not to be mean but im wondering when my deco for my ship will be done it has been over 3 months since I asked for the deco?
  • 987tails
    18th May 2014
    im amazed he hasnt forgaven me!
  • sentinal-5
    3rd May 2014
    @nightweaver2112 i didn't know what to put in he center (it's only connected to the beam-head so that it can move with the slight recoil produced by such a vast mass of photons being projected in the same direction and is therefore depressurised) so i put a sort-of length measuring thing XD that box turns it on or off when you spark the corresponding buttons.
  • randomness5555
    26th Apr 2014
    *RAINBOWS* BLAAAAAGGHHH! (target destroyed)
  • nightweaver2112
    23rd Apr 2014
    Hmm... what is the function of the massive block in the middle other than to make the small blue button flash? I've destroyed it several times, and it either has no overall effect on the cannon's function, or requires me to simply replace a couple of pixels of INST that were there already...
  • 343industries
    18th Apr 2014
    you know man OF COARSE I FORGIVE!!! xP
  • demonow
    15th Apr 2014
    @987tails: king forgets... Dont know about other... And now go back to powder crusaders xD
  • 987tails
    15th Apr 2014
    i got banned?. hardly knoticed. listen guys i would to apologise for my semi-abusive comments. no i do not have shiziophrenia but i just bored so i wanted to act high profile. im sorry if you dont understand me but @sentinel-5, @nippy,@williamhowajet,@demonow and @987tails; im not asking you guys to forgive me but to forget this because i know for a fact that my abusive commments wont be the last. for now... and @343industries, David, i wonder if you can forgive me to.....