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30th Mar 2014
23rd Oct 2014
Proof of concept 64-BIT (8 BYTE) memory usb stick Feel free to copy but give credits and ask permission :) Leave comment pls :P
computer memory 64bit


  • akronmantpt
    13th Apr 2014
    Sure. I'm sure i can help.
  • theeboris
    13th Apr 2014
    @akronman tpt Btw if you want to follow the progress, I can give you the ID of the save in private message ;)
  • theeboris
    13th Apr 2014
    I'm now working on somekind of nfc like chip :D I don't have much time but I make it as fast as possible and I hope you like it ;) I've made a little start ;)
  • theeboris
    13th Apr 2014
    Hmmmm I'm gonna make something when I get a good idea :) and it's called PoC because it is a proof of concept. It's just to demonstrate it has potential to be used.
  • akronmantpt
    12th Apr 2014
    Hey why is it called a PoC? Hmmm.... You shuld try making new RAMs, or seach for other creations and make something similar to them (like the ROM i made) Or you could go to other areas like DECO, building , making bombs, etc... Or just make something new. Let the lamp on your head lighten up!
  • theeboris
    12th Apr 2014
    I want to make somethin new :D But I don't know what to make... And indeed RAM isn't the best way to store videos :P It can be smaller ;) But this was the best thing I came up with :P Btw thanks :D And if you have ideas just say it :P I love user input :D
  • akronmantpt
    11th Apr 2014
    Hey! Aren't you making anything new? Hope it is a good thing. Don't worry bro, i'm not goingo to use your RAM to videos, but instead i'll make a ROM and use it to store the video. I think RAM's are less effective in storing graphics data.
  • theeboris
    6th Apr 2014
    @Sandwichlizard I've made something :$ You can look at it in my profile ;)
  • theeboris
    5th Apr 2014
    I know what I'm gonna make, I'm gonna make something to display animations
  • theeboris
    5th Apr 2014
    Hmmmmm, you can use it in computer for quick storage but I can't make a computer :( I'm gonna make something these days :D