2124 / 237
3rd Feb 2011
30th Aug 2013
Huge spark maze. BTW make sure the heat simulation button is turned off, or it will burn on my lightbulb part!!! Well it could burn it, but usually not.
maze spark extreme bsts cute forthewin lolz classic jma1111 bomb


  • OmegaSupreme
    9th Feb 2011
    That was some journey! I voted up and just happen to nitice those who don't seem to like this awsome creation that voted down. Anyway nice job and keep up the great work!
  • stonemetal4
    9th Feb 2011
    a day in the life of a spark... Pretty darn awesome! Thumbs up!
  • whalezor
    9th Feb 2011
    This is one of those things that even though it doesn't do much, you still have to vote up because it's just plain cool.
  • akman300
    4th Feb 2011
    That's nice