7th Mar 2014
22nd Oct 2015
This is my newest and most advanced so far! [Might be outdated due to other ship production or newer ship R & D]
Phwewh... and to think this ship coulden't be improved! I certainly prooved myself wrong!
In addition to fixing bugs, I also updated the laser, it remains hot enough to damage many materials while the heating system auto-destructs (so it doesn't melt the front of the ship) when an external INSL breach occurs near it.
Even the self destruct doesn't work without power. LOL!
I gave up on WIFI buttons because I wanted to make a reactor that actually powered the ship. Nothing on the ship functions without power from the reactor. Of course I could switch over to WIFI buttons with SWCH power options wich are activated by the reactor, but that would mean a complete redesign of the ship, which I'm not exacly up for. I'll include the SWCH to WIFI in the next ship I make.
;) its ahrd to use controls kind of.. maybe wifi buttons :D
I am currently working on a URAN BOYL EXOT heating system for the laser so I don't have to use life.
@DevOps: Sure, what do you need built?
@poodiepie: Okay. Information confirmed.
@koox Hey, When I said equestria was 8.5 times the size of earth, I meant .85. But equestrians are still really strong, The average female can lift 1000lbs with moderate effort (S04E10).
sorry i meant koox*