4 / 1
10th Feb 2014
11th Feb 2014
The most elite commanders of the Crystalic empire assemble here to prepare for the invasion of many inteligent life-forms, in total there are 1000 Crystal Fighters, 560 Photon Class Dreadnoughts and 243 Decedrar Frigates...


  • Grox333
    11th Oct 2014
  • Grox333
    10th Oct 2014
    Dude i hope you dont attack me! I want to be friend with you!
  • NikolaAnicic007
    17th Feb 2014
    THERE ARE NOW 29 FLEETS (The last one is the size of 9500 fleets)
  • the_new_powder99999
    13th Feb 2014
    ID:1406382 Here is the alliance base, Just check here every once in a while.
  • NikolaAnicic007
    13th Feb 2014
    Also, the main crystalian method of war is actually to use 14 fleets (HALF) at all war operations while the other half defends the homeworld from threats so that's 14*C.I.F and the R.A.F (Royal Assault Fleet) with the Mothership (There are 2 motherships at all times) which is armed with the "Neutron Star" Gamma Wavelength Cannon (G.W.C) sooo...I could easely take down your empire, but seeing how I need allies, I accept. I have a galaxy to command however.
  • NikolaAnicic007
    13th Feb 2014
    *INCOMING TRANSMISION* -Red Green Blue Purple Yellow- *We accept your proposition Korlonians...*
  • the_new_powder99999
    13th Feb 2014
    However it is in the interests of the Korlonians to ally with the crystalians, would you like to join the alliance?
  • the_new_powder99999
    13th Feb 2014
    That is actually a quite significant threat to the Korlonian empire, Depending on what the ships are like, however, attacks with fleets of this size have been beaten many times before, and standard planetary defences will wear them down very quickly if you choose to attack weaker planets, and a attacking one of the most important systems in the galaxy would be suicide, even with all your attack fleets, and probably your defence fleets as well.
  • NikolaAnicic007
    12th Feb 2014
    There are 28 Fleets, and the ships range from 100 km to 30 m
  • the_new_powder99999
    12th Feb 2014
    How big are the ships? And how many of these fleets are there?