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26th Jan 2014
16th Apr 2014
This shield/shelter uses compressed materials to protect the occupants from damage, it isn't overtly tough as no "cheat" elements such as FRME, CLNE, VENT e.t.c were used. This save is mainly to demonstrate the power of compressed materials.
shelter shield test explosion fire compressed alloys power


  • High_lord_NOG
    16th Apr 2014
    Novel? the intoduction paragraph mainly states that this shelter is not as powerful as it could have otherwise been due to me not using certain elements which have exploit-like toughness such as FRME, CLNE e.t.c I have no doubt that you broke it, but it is strong for the volume it occupys.
  • whatthecupcake030
    14th Mar 2014
    i like the whole novel your writing about how awseome it is but im pretty noob and a bomb made out of neut elec and deut broke it