Just a simple device capable of displaying a moving image. I reccommend turning on decorations and the display mode should preferably be on 8 (nothing display). If you wish to create your own animations you might want to remove the automatic stopper.
I wish you would make more D:
Looks best with 8.
EPPPPIIIIIIIIC Really cool!!!!!
cool +1
I think the animation itself is supposed to be a joke on 860170's. It does the whole Pong thing, then instead of showing you that you win, it tells you that you lose.
My God! This is awsome, Just imagin how long you could animate somthing using this device. +1
THIS IS EPPIIIIIC!!! +999999999999
What I mean is that you use CRAY to determine the line to read from in your memory.
Thanks guys and yes it did take a while to sort out all the wifi channels. Also i doubt that converting the signals to decimal would save space as all of that information is needed to make up the image
New tech/conncept +1