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3rd Jan 2014
3rd Jan 2014
if you have it set to fire display (press 4) after all the deutonium has reacted and everything has calmed down, the gbmb will push all the neutrons away and for a short time you will see a blue human eye (without the white part) look carefully


  • relyk1
    3rd Jan 2014
    and, if you replaced the neut for protons then it will melt through most stuff with ease
  • relyk1
    3rd Jan 2014
    eh, i couldnt find another name for it, so i just poked around with it and saw a pattern
  • Schneumer
    3rd Jan 2014
    P.S. This bomb thing barely melted a medium ball of quartz, but it's an aesthetic bomb guys! So don't say it is weak even if it is (I just did lol), cuz it is for the looks, not the damages.
  • Schneumer
    3rd Jan 2014
    The iris part is meh. However, I see a rasengan swirl thingy before the gbmb explodes, and I like it. Who cares, gotta 1+ something. 1+ :)
  • relyk1
    3rd Jan 2014
    woo, fp, wont be here long though
  • relyk1
    3rd Jan 2014
    it also looks cool on nothing display