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30th Dec 2013
7th Jul 2015
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  • thespazz
    30th Mar 2014
    :P .
  • scioscia12
    19th Mar 2014
    technically that means north and south america would have tipped over by now XD considering for a island to "tip" it would have to be floating and since the same continential shift speed applises to north and south america north and south america would have to also be floating to match that speed therfore North and South America along with Africa, Oceaina, Asia and Europe would have "tipped over" by now
  • thespazz
    14th Mar 2014
    one congressman was talking about how a large military base could tip over an island. he got elected 2 more times after that lol. :P
  • scioscia12
    10th Feb 2014
    i personally would be genuinely surprised if he got voted again
  • thespazz
    4th Feb 2014
    they all say that. but it is not allways tru, look at the facts and data. not what they say.
  • andytheepic
    4th Feb 2014
    good job, at least canada isnt taken over, but i might vote for rob ford if i could, b/c he says he wont increase taxes
  • thespazz
    27th Jan 2014
    well i cant support your opinion sry. there are lots of ways that the government could of found out without him, it seems for the the governemts prob then his. unless you start naming lots of sites that say otherwise. (not mager news sites). for now i dont support. sry >.> .
  • scioscia12
    8th Jan 2014
    Rob Ford
  • Schneumer
    8th Jan 2014
    what? give us info, who is he for starters?
  • scioscia12
    8th Jan 2014
    Rob Ford didn't tell thee government they were in the state of emergancy as Power Stream had stated; so it took until Monday for the government to notice no one in the GTA was at work.