372 / 25
22nd Dec 2013
25th Apr 2014
Modes: Phot (w/ colours+rainbow mode), Sctr, Neut, Elec, Prot, Plse, Swrv, Hot, Cold, adjustable Up & Down, 3 Speeds + 5 secondary weapons. Over a dozen different combos possible, so try them all out! Comment on any issues/suggestions. Enjoy! ^_^
laser weapon electronics cannon lazer freeze photon bomb proton electronic


  • Schicko
    27th Dec 2013
    Update: To compensate for me removing the Dcel function, I renamed Acel to Fast and added Fstr (faster, duh). I'm not exactly sure how to fix the Up/Down ineffectiveness with the Acel functions so there's a chance that might not get fixed at all. If you've any ideas, don't be afraid to tell me. I don't bite ^_^ My laser does a bit though XD
  • Schicko
    26th Dec 2013
    To those 5 people who liked it: thanks for your genuine appreciation! ^_^ Unfortunately, you're right SuperFire. Unless it somehow gets like 20 likes in the space of the next 2 days, this has no hope getting FP'd and will end up maybe getting copied instead. But so long as it inspires others to make FP creations, I'll be content as I'll know I've helped them get there.
  • SuperFire131
    26th Dec 2013
    That is a genius use of pistons right there! I have never thought of using pistons for directing a laser. This deserves front page more than 70% of the stuff on the front page, sadly it is already too late for it to ever make it there.
  • Schicko
    26th Dec 2013
    Update: Sorry. I had to do a bit of a downgrade by removing the Dcel function. I felt that it was useless (it made temperature conduction worse & beams slower, who would want that anyway?) and it was detrimental to other modes (it broke Up/Down functions and caused Prot mode to go haywire). Hopefully I'll be able to do more tweaks later so please chack back again. ^_^
  • the_new_powder99999
    25th Dec 2013
    +1 this is really cool (or hot depending on which setting it is on) This should be on front page.
  • Schicko
    24th Dec 2013
    Mini Update: I changed the layout a bit so that Protons can work with Acel/Dcel. Acel/Dcel is still very buggy with Grav (Up+Down) funnctions though. Might need some time on that :/ (what with Xmas & all). Check back later for more updates!
  • Schicko
    24th Dec 2013
    Update: I added some simple Acel & Dcel functions. Will improve them again later. Please tell me of any bugs/issues/suggestions. Keep checking again for more updates ^_^
  • Schicko
    23rd Dec 2013
    I updated it. :D I fized the PROT problem... I think... It's little bigger now though. All help for improvement and compacting it are welcome. Useful suggestions are welcome too. ^_^
  • mikanielle
    23rd Dec 2013
    Should Be FP!!!! :)