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4th Dec 2013
19th Jun 2014
an exotic matter decoration maker. make pretty little trees with it, copy the trees, and decorate your saves!


  • zakkwilide123
    5th Dec 2013
    @megamageiii i do not see what you are talking about. yeah i get that asking for +1s is dickish but when i used it it worked fine! did you use it correctly? your supposed to use it at the smallest circle (one pixel) and drizzle the exot over the colder exot. then, you gradually go to the sides! in the end you should have a blue glowing tree, whitch you are free to copy. btw i will not take your advice, for it works if you make it correctly. now take what I said and dont comment here again.
  • megamageiii
    4th Dec 2013
    First, asking for +1s is aginst the rules. Second, it doesn't work. I know how to make it work though. Remove the bottom two layers of EXOT while paused. Then replace them with the life type WALL. Wait until the WALL is -273 degrees. It will work now.