a simple machine that produces LOXY out of CO2
Pycckue Py/|yaT
@mixorin:This has been there for months, nothing new..
this might sound stupid but your invention is revolutional! finally we can transform pollution into energy by burning loxy, thanks
I made a similar machine MUCH earlier but mine is looped. id:930510
Fire Boom loxy=ln2
LOL, I thought the PLNT was CONV and I was all like "H4X N00B" and ready to downvote. +1
i tried making endless loop that creates energy.. i didnt make it but can you?
its same amount of steps:) i think they are both cool
your not changing it your just putting co2 into a plant then cooling it....
Thats easiER, hdp. Nitroglycerine + Clay Dust. EEZY PEEZY