37 / 6
2nd Nov 2013
14th Nov 2013
Please copy, but mention me in the description. These are all working, but not always suitable for use. The proton torpedo is still experimental--the launcher may not work, causing an explosion. May not be suitable for Death Stars.
weapons laser torpedo


  • oscar
    2nd Nov 2013
    On the proton nuke, change the insl to frme and replace more frme with ttan on the front. It will work far better. +1
  • i360
    2nd Nov 2013
    @Hegemon_1, Lol thanks! but i dont think its right. dont worry ill make something for you back.. :) ;) But i bet its gonna take some time.
  • Butcandy47
    2nd Nov 2013
    Hegemon, can I improve upon your melt gun?(Or at least try to anyway...)
  • Hegemon_1
    2nd Nov 2013
    for i360: 1359468
  • Hegemon_1
    2nd Nov 2013
    I'd love to! Actually, I made this (my only) account today, 8 hours ago.
  • i360
    2nd Nov 2013
    Yes but perhaps you had another account which had you some things like the self moving PROT Torpedo. But cool though! i like the PROT Torpedo best. Maybe you wanna make a tank together? :)
  • Hegemon_1
    2nd Nov 2013
    This is my first save ever and it got FP. ...How?