31st Oct 2013
1st Nov 2013
Just something I found while messing with VIRS after accidently dropping a fighter in. Unpause and hopefully it will still work. Also if anyone knows how to prevent VIRS from decaying without adding more matter to it please let me know.
@Boomerboy by placing some clone with ctype FIGH above some VIRS, then SOAP
How is this done
OHMAHGOSH!!! I made a Three-headed stickman!! 'Tis very unstable though, and will often go all crazy and die... Too bad I can't save as a stamp...
@martin2250: Thanks, that seems to have worked. For everyone else I have another VIRS thing in the pipeline at the moment, should have a proof of concept up in a day or two.
What just happened?
this is like a zombie virus effect saying we all finish as dust
Protons will make VIRS persistent AFAIK
LOLWUT? This breaks my understanding of physics. EVERYTHING IS BROKEN! I need to sit down in a corner with a coffee and think about my life.
lol, I knew someone would do this at some point.