This comment section is a goldmine despite being so short
People with high IQ's understands sarcasm, and you don't.
why you talks sorry? you didn't talk something in coments... only now...
Wait, You have high IQ? im sorry..
you a idiot because you talked: ,,you idiot'' tats means YOU :D yeah...... and this i do whit my brother :D ive he talk to me: ,,you are dead!'' then i am talk: ,,oh... why YOU are dead?'' :D
also are you a idiot :D 1. I am not from England or America and i am 14.... 2. Gravity wall can means 2 types... the Negative and the Posetive one... 3. i am not an idiot, my IQ are better then from a normal 16 old... 4. maybe i am talked something wrong... but maybe not... 5. yeah i advested..... but it is a invenstigation, tats means its NEEDS be seen... 6. Presure are coming from Gravity, its exist Negative and Posetive. the Gravity creates PRESSURE who can push things awai or in there where its beggins... like a white or a black hole... What do you think now? are i am now a idiot or not? did i am something wrong now or not? are i am now stupid or not? are i am 16 or not?(no i am 14). WHATS NOW MR.BIGknowER?
-1 1 you advested 2 you you gave wrong info no grav wel its neg preasure you idiot
... i was ony did advertising in 3 saves..... and tat for 10 sec.... and? oh okey ive you guys want seee what it doing.... then i add manualy some things...
stop advertising so much. @sentinal-5 right they just make negative pressure.
are you think only negative? (sorry tat im talk this... but i mean it realy....)