my newest bomb pulverises this castle Credit to Swiftclaw for the castle, sorry, i forgot to ask
sorry it took so long had to figure out what t odo and how to make it and how much the compression was to be
Swiftclaw, the bomb is done come pick it up, tell me when you do then I'll remove it
okay, I'll start working on it ASAP
That sounds good. I also dabble in making destructive things. Like my compressed neutrons that move slowly and emit huge amounts of pressure and destroys whatever it touches. I have an upload of it if you want to check it out.
Nothing too fancy, destroy a bunker? maybe? I've made the most powerful bomb on powder toy never will I put it up, the most powerful bomb besides mine to destroy the EXACT same sicty took 20 seconds, mine, 5.
sure, that would be great. What kind of bomb would you make?
I know it sounds stupid, but, I wanna make a omb to make it up to ya
k, thanks
just remember to give credit
No problem, bro. You can use any of my saves.