If the block of frame is smaller than the text in the corner, press D. The Bolt. took many hours, exploded, burning half the ship. Anyways, If the ship detects high heat/pressure, it will send of sensors. use the deflecter sheilds! (recomended) lol... :D
I already made the ship that holds the record for the largest starship in tpt.
Not bad.
and thanks UC17!
yeah, I have a couple, but I never use them.
hey, do you have a logo numbercrucher?
Well made, and i think the view 7 looks awesome when you activate shields, +1!
Everyone likes making small flagships in tpt, I should finish the megalodon, that might inspire people. I think the reason that this hasn't got many views is the massive space in the middle, you could fill that in with a superlaser (like on rustyninja's ships) or a reactor or something.
its a cruiser, capital ship. leader of my fleet
This has a lot of empty space inside that could be used for other stuff, what is the purpose of this ship? a transport?