If the block of frame is smaller than the text in the corner, press D. The Bolt. took many hours, exploded, burning half the ship. Anyways, If the ship detects high heat/pressure, it will send of sensors. use the deflecter sheilds! (recomended) lol... :D
it uses cold flame as a fuel?
and maybe put the DEFLECTER SHEILDS ON!!!
its arleady got max armor 5 layer IRON TTAN QRTZ GPMP TTAN
(Needs more armor. Really. one small nuke did this in.)
so you dont beleive that I mucked up? I was working on too much, I was tired.
The Liberator Class would demolish this. :D
I mucked up, I hoped nobody would notice.
Then why does it say The Razor? O_o