my first ever scrolling display. i was helped by electronic_steve and got inspiration from thiskal.
well everyday i log on to tpt and go to see fp this is gone and about 1 hour later or more it's back and then off and back. it is just annoying going from being sad of no fp and then cause it is still on all the time.
Actually it didn't off FP, maybe on the last FP (out of the browser, there're actually 16 FP saves)
this has been on and off fp for twice now, maybe more. wth
yeah G-linuxorU china-richways is bigger and better.
It's already done. 1328937 or 1328999(mine)
can you give it another read arm so when one pstn is cooling off the other can activate. should be a flipflop gate.
yeah thiskal mine worked on my stamps and on my computer, but as soon as i added it to the server as a save it worked once then just had a spaz. and china-richway2 would that be considered as a club challenge.
i also made one that doesnt stop by making to pstn scan thingies
nijalninja98, actually, you can try make a scrolling one with only 15 minutes given, after you learn TPT electronics
well, you can use mine: 1328999 continous