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Okay. Pary sek. :)
@MESSA prinimai :D
Da, est. Vot skype: vizems :) PS: Mikro ploxoi...
@MESSA da bez problem! u teba est skype?
@electronic_steve tbI bolee opbItnii chem i v TPT. 9 proshy y teb9 pomoshi... :) 9 hotel-bi sdelat svoi avtomaticheskii-reactor chtobi on stabilno rabotal (starai moi reactor ploxa rabotaet, da n voobshe on krivoi). Esli tebe ne lenb pomogi, bydy blagodaren! ^_^
@waleed123 Oh my little idiot, and how can I do this without TSNS? NTCT? I would have to put their BTRY but it's not real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@C_D_Pro I'm not sure that I understood you correctly :C
ya im pretty sure a temperature sensor is cheating,seeing how you set it to 50 next to pscn pscn when shocked goes above 50 so the temperature sensor sparks forever.
hey steve you make a lot of cool stuff but do you think you could ever make a maze gun, i have tried and tried but cant seem to make one. really cool +1