and there is another condition reactions. sponge, when it life it more than the limit, it will release water. when neut's life is 1, it will vanish. spark, when it life is 1, it will turn into the ctype. nah, spark is a pretty useful element since you can make many with that.
nah, cobaltyash. reactions. shield, when sparked, will making a bigger shield. bizzare, when mixed with phot, will make elec. glow, when mixed with water, it will make deut. (glow water? already there) sparked iron, when hitting water, will make hydrogen/oxygen. and, you can't just combine 2 element properties into one. see the forum, or even start one.
not all things need layering nor enlarging. heater and cooler, if compared to pump+uran, look. pump+uran wins because you just need to just readjust (re+adjust, not read+just) the temp of the pump, not using console.
if there you can edit other than a single pixel with that all, you will need A LOT of memory space, or you will need to create your own combinations. if you upload a element that is not in original TPT, it will get erased, and you cannot see what is the thing that actually happened if TPT dont erase the unoriginal element.
conditions: type ctype life temp tmp tmp2 velocity flags and deco-color. for example, you can change quartz to grow.
you almost can't change anything from a single pixel except the condition of that pixel.
PLEASE everyone feel free to talk about this on the forums. just TALK about it. mention this save and mention me, so that people know what I am talking about. I want everyone to share technology and improve everything.
THat is an awesome idea! suggest on the forum pls, good point damionfeller +1
Also, I would like the ability to go on my own basis for an element, not having to take qualities of other ones.
@CobaltYash, What you are refering to is modding, because modding in its fundamentals creating new elements through code, and then compiling and sharing with others. It would be nice to see an easier system for such a thing though. Like one that is official and easy to learn, unlike modding which requires sufficient knowledge in lua or c++.