26th Sep 2013
21st Oct 2013
it is my faveourate of my ships so far.i was inspired by the malevolence from star wars.i choose the name because it has duel aray cannons on the sides,at the back.
definately not the worst ship ive seen! +1 :D
ok,on my next ship i shall.
Try using a cold flame or a neut engine
yeah,i have no idea how to make a engine.
I like your ship style, but I think your engine system needs work
I will try.
If you think you are up to the challenge, try making a ship that can withstand an Exotic Bomb. I will be testing these, and reviewing them. The rules: No diamond ships. Put Kydon in the name so I can easily find them.
nice :P
so,comments anyone? thanks for FP.