pfsst i can clear the sky in 10 seconds flat.. just watch.
Ladiesman, Your map looks nothing like mine ;) plus i didnt know about you, sorry if i coppied anyone, just felt like sharing a fun save!
MSFSnake, it type anything in the console, and everyone else that asked how it got fp... i have no idea, one of my other ones did that too. this indeed was REALLY easy to make, but i'd thought i'd share it ;P
EASY just type in console !set ctype snow sing then !set life snow 0 then !set tmp snow 9999 then !set temp snow -9999 then you go to the biggest cloud and burn it.
is that illegalto say that?
its just Gravity wall to make the stkm fly sentinal-5
How did it get fp? its just a flying stkm!!!!!! i did one just the other day!!!
@youchwe i made "jetpack joyride" save some time ago and it got fp too ;)
if this is the first one you have seen like this then you havent seen my game