I mean tpt.el.gravity Or tpt.el.falldown
command doesn't work anymore
Type tpt.el.conv.airdrag=10000 to make it a ROCKET SHIP!!!
I've done this. A LOT. Type tpt.el.conv.falldown=1 to make it a powder, or tpt.el.conv.falldown=2 for a liquid. tpt.el.conv.diffusion=X for a gas, where X is how much it flies around. tpt.el.conv.flammabe=X, tpt.el.conv.explosive=X, tpt.el.conv.name=Text, tpt.el.conv.airdrag=X, there are so many...
miracle matter plant attack anyone? 1+ since you MAH BUD (i think)
Add gravity to any boring, gravity-defying, popular-demand-defying non-moving solid to get...