5 / 1
13th Sep 2013
18th Feb 2016
This wall is a combination of my compressed MERC wall, my CRAY TTAN/SHD4 wall, and my BOYL/PSTS wall. Enjoy. This is intended as a wall with no element restrictions, no rules.
shield wall compressed unbreakable test bomb nuke


  • oghaki
    14th Sep 2014
    @epic, this wall predates VIRS by quite some time. It is the sort of wall that you create bombs for that don't use VIRS, otherwise it is not a challenge. Many walls are like this. Very few are SING or extended-life AMTR resistant. If you want a wall where you can use basically any element and still find a challenge, try out my "Ultra Ultra DMG Walls" (id:1399851).
  • epic5000
    25th Feb 2014
    In my opinon, if its not VIRS Resistant, its not a good wall. Try adding a layer of soap somewhere.
  • oghaki
    1st Oct 2013
    Uh, this wall is awesome
  • oghaki
    27th Sep 2013
    The MERC temp and tmp are lowered to reduce lag, and the CRAY cleans up spilt MERC which drastically reduces the lag normally found in a compressed MERC wall.