On September 11th 2001, The United States was hit by a terrorist attack that killed thousands. This is a memorial save. We will never forget those who lost their lives. My prayers to anyone who lost a friend or family member in the attacks.
i know
Why so manhy downvotes?!
T_T @NikolaAnicic007 Please refrain from spouting mean things about our nationality Now good day Sir.
First Off...This is a bad save you could have taken a moving plane model and made the buildings out of BCOL then crashed the planes into them making them spontaniously ignite...also...You may not use this as this is what I will do :P (My place ID will be in the next comment by me)
I know this is to remember 9/11 but still why cant I put a nuke by this (without being reminded by Ketchup) O_O removes fires and explosives off buildings)
If you cared so much for the events of 9/11 you would've shown your respect and "mourning" by keeping your thoughs confidental or taking you thoughts to a relvant place that would see it as a respectful act. A physic silulator is not the place for this and you should be ashamed. The fact that you took the time to create three buildings and make them explode is very disrespectful.
make people who have*
and i dont remember that much damage to the pentagon.
after this is of the fp there is gonna be a LOT of bans
stupid americans putting buildings in the way of where planes travel