Using photons to simulate high speed electrons, and black and white holes to simulate positive and negative electron beam accelerating/focusing electrodes of an electron gun assembly I have simulated the behavior of a simple CRT.
I've just made an improvement. I've centered the original set of electrodes (with regard to the center of the electron emitter area) and added to smaller white hole electrodes to further aid in focusing of the electron beam.
The phosphor screen at the front is simulated by using glow, which glows when heated. The liquid N2 dispensers in the screen return it to its normal temperature to make it stop glowing when the electron beam is turned off. However this also makes in unrealistically cold. So to attempt to try to keep it at a semireasonable temperature (at least at the upper corners of the tube), I have put on little electric heaters consisting of batteries and METL.To fire the electron gun, use SPRK on the GOLD disk in the lower left corner of this simulation.