I dont think I've ever worked so long on one save.. Its a motorcycle...
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where can i tell you how to fix the problem with your engine, do you have something to chat?
what do you mean maik?
I know how to fix it, do you have steam or something?
@waleed123 and stefeez. OK this engine is a motorbuke engine, hence the short exhaust, and second this is one of the most advanced engines on tpt yet, it cannot run if there is no fuel. even my best engine does not follow that.
Yes, maik, I have known of this for a long time. Its a big delema. The pstn runs into the wall and the conductor on it disapears. I will do my best to fix it.
I really like your engine, but it crashes if you press the speed down button too long. Maybe you could fix that
I will fix that. But, I think its just a personal preference of yours to have it puff,thanks for the feedback though.
Too long and IMO ug-lee as heck. Also I sorta like engines to blow smoke out, like my puffmaker, add stronger fans and a shorter exhaust.. However, that is just a minor detail really, the engine is the most stable engine I seen on TPT..