Seeing there was a distinct lack of Homeworld-based TPT creations, I decided to make a "cross-section" of the Pride of Hiigara, from Homeworld 2. Suggestions for the layout, etc. are welcome. :D
I tried, and failed... Sorry. I tried everything and i failed you... Goodbye, Hiigara... It has been burnt...
Mrthadawee, My bro, I am making it 'unpublished'. I shall give him the save ID so that he msy access it privately...
My Brother 'Yellowmellen' knows a thing or two about the game Homeworld. I don't really agree with him reuploading your work though :/
I play Homeworld (Not Homeworld 2!) but i am making rough tweaks based on Homeworld 1. I will set up a page so that you can view these tweaks. Name is Homeworld 1 Mothership
Any help, just give me a quick msg... Ive favrouted this so i can keep in touch... Im happy to help
And i DO play Homeworld(TM)
Your missing the Cryo Trays...
Due to the fact there aren't any references for the internal structure of the Mothership, I need some suggestions as to what I need to add to the inside. Anyone willing to help me out?